Honesty and Jealousy
Honesty, is extremely vital for every long distance relationship. The relationship will last longer depending on the amount of honest communication between both people. Being honest will also reduce stress and jealousy. Being honest with each other will keep silly fights to a minimum and resolve fights faster. Mostly probably prevent fights. Then you will know exactly what page each other is on. Being honest with how you are feeling will keep your relationship strong.
One time my boyfriend and I got into a pretty big argument because I was feeling sad and he didn't understand what I was talking about. I had held in some things that bothered me that were little but it grew into a bigger problem because I wasn't honest right away. We learned that it works much better to tell each other right away if something is bothering us or anything really that is on our minds.
It is also good to compromise. You may have to compromise with the girls or boys to make more time for your relationship. The willingness to get on the phone after dinner to say hi will improve communication and let the other person know you care.
Without honesty relationships would just be a lie.
Remember without honesty, jealousy can lead to all sorts of problems. Your imagination can go into overdrive when you hear your partner was hanging around the opposite sex. But you have to remember, your partner will have a social life where they are at just as you do. If you let your jealousy get in the way you will for sure ruin the relationship.
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