Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Little Things

Sometimes the simplest things a person does for their partner are the most thoughtful way to show you care.

1. Sending a personnel love note or card in the mail

One of the most difficult aspects of long distance relationships is not knowing
 whether your significant other is thinking about you 
and miss you as much as you are them. 

2. Buy a cheesy gift with a meaning:

Last year, my boyfriend bought me a "I'm a sneaky snake" shirt.  
If you haven't seen the video, it's a must ---> VIDEO
It meant a lot to me because he knew it was my favorite youtube clip
and it made me realize how much he pays attention to me and the things I enjoy.

3. Send a yummy treat, like an Edible Arrangement or something from Harry and Davids.  

My boyfriend is obsessed with fruit so this was the perfect gift.  The chocolate covered
fruit is simple, but cute, and he knows I got it for him because it's his favorite.
It's also pretty dang yummy - lemme tell yah.

4.  Send an E-card, Email or a poem 

My personal favorite is this website:  BlueSwami   It's a love letter generator 
where you enter your partner's name and it writes a goofy poem to send them. 

5.  Have pillow talk

My boyfriend actually made this up, but whenever we are both going to sleep 
on the phone or Skype we have pillow talk and tell each other one thing we didn't know 
about the other.  We learn about each other and then when we are actually together
we can do the same.  It's fun and an easy way to fall asleep learning about
your partner. 
Aren't these pillowcases adorable -- I'm probably going to buy these next. 
And there are more here at this website..  

6.  Write on the other's Facebook wall or Tweet at them

A fun hello or simple message yet once again can mean a lot to someone. 
I know whenever I see a tweet or post from Zack I get butterflies 
wondering what kind of joke or sweet thing he said to me this time.

7.  Watch youtube videos together

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