Monday, April 9, 2012

Planning for the Future

One thing I have found to be quite the high point is actually seeing my boyfriend.  Planning for the future is something all long distance couples must do.  I don't mean get engaged or talk about weddings and babies, but you should plan your visits in advance so there is always something to look forward to.  Being busy with work, school, and sports (my boyfriend plays hockey constantly) can really dip into time you may want to try to spend with your partner.  Try and space visits out evenly, if you were to see them a lot in the first half of the year and barely any in the second half things will seem to drag on.  The time apart will seem like forever.  You can even start a countdown; I used my sticky notes on my mac and every day that goes by I reduce a day until I see my man.

Tip:  Planning for the future shouldn't be scary.  It is safe to say that long distance relationships aren't meant to be long distance forever -- so make arrangements for how long it will be until you live in the same area.

Tip 2: Visit as often as possible!  The more you see each other the more you will be reminded of how amazing the future will be.  

And speaking of visits, my boyfriend and I made arrangements to spend an entire month together in Atlanta, Georgia with his family.  We plan on going to six flags, the beach, and maybe even a Brave's game. 

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